Seperti yang dikongsi oleh saudari Hesty Natalia
Ok, so I promised to share my tips on how to score well in MUET exam. First thing first, everyone, I repeat, everyone can get a band 4 & 5 in MUET. Trust me.
Firstly, I don’t revise a lot because I was too busy dividing my time for work and study. So, I only read newspapers and magazines to improve my vocabulary. The Star and The Sun are my favourites because they offer wider range vocabularies and i could learn a lot of new words everyday. I read the newspapers loud and i jotted down the new words in a notebook (and search for their meanings or definitions). And then, when the speaking and writing papers were getting near, I would just flipped through the notebook. This is for a short-term memory la.
Secondly, I sang a lot of English songs. I rapped too. I picked songs based on my current mood and started to sing with the lyrics on screen. By this method, I improved my pronounciations and especially, my confidence level. I don’t have a lot of friends who speak in English because most of them were too embarassed that they would make mistakes. But since I was working as a waitress in a cafe near my house, I tried to serve my customers in English. I don’t really care if they’re Chineses or Indians or even Malays; I would just speak in English. Some of them would reply me in Bahasa but I would just continue on speaking in English. Nah, kidding. Sometimes, I stopped and continue in Bahasa.
Thirdly, I was not really a good student. I rarely done my writing tasks. I seldom passed up my homeworks. I was too lazy to do anything. This is a true story that you can even ask to my teachers and classmates. I spent a lot of times sleeping while my teachers were teaching in the front of the class. I failed three out of four subjects when I was in the first semester of Form 6. But what did i do? I kept all of the handouts that my MUET teacher gave me in the class and put it all on a file. Like I said, I seldom passed up my homeworks so literally, all of the handouts are in my file. So, whenever I want to study for MUET, I would just flicked through my file and completed the handouts. Again and again.
But, the most important thing is to stay focus in class. I stayed focus whenever I was not asleep ok. My MUET teacher had always share a lot of tips to improve ourselves. One of the tips that I still remember until today is: fake it till you make it. Don’t be scared that people would correct you.
So, that’s all for today. If you have anything else to ask me, you can dm me directly. Thank you.
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